on Electronics for LHC Experiments Krakow, Poland, 11 - 15 September 2000 ELECTRONICS FOR TRACKER |
Design of ladder EndCap electronics for the ALICE ITS SSD.
Ruud Kluit, NIKHEF Amsterdam
P. Timmer, J.D. Schipper, V. Gromov, A.P. de Haas,
of the Beetle readout chip for LHCb
Daniel Baumeister, Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg
Niels van Bakel, Jo van den Brand, Hans Verkooijen, Werner Hofmann, Karl-Tasso Knoepfle, Sven Loechner,
Michael Schmelling, Edgar Sexauer, Ulrich Trunk, Martin Feuerstack-Raible, Neville Harnew, Nigel Smale
Enhanced Radiation Hardness and Faster Front
Ends for the Beetle Readout Chip
Ulrich Trunk,
University of Heidelberg
Niels van Bakel, Jo van den Brand, Hans Verkooijen, Christian Bauer,
Daniel Baumeister, Werner Hofmann, Karl-Tasso Knopfle,
Sven L.ochner, Michael Schmelling, Edgar Sexauer, Martin Feuerstack-Raible y,
Neville Harnew, Nigel Smale
Development of a High Density Pixel Multichip Module at Fermilab
Sergio Zimmermann, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Computing
Division/Electronic Systems Engineering Dept.
J. Andresen, J.A. Appel, G. Cardoso, G, Chiodini, D.C. Christian, B.K. Hall, J. Hoff,
S.W. Kwan, A. Mekkaoui, R. Yarema.
Radiation tolerance studies of BTeV pixel readout chip
prototypes Presentation
Gabriele Chiodini, Particle Physics Division, Fermi National Accelerator
Laboratory, Batavia
Appel. J.A, Cardoso. G, Christian D.C.,
Coluccia. M.R., Hoff. J, Kwan. S.W., Mekkaoui. A, Yarema. R, Zimmerman, S
The ALICE Pixel Detector Readout Chip Test System
Michael Burns, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
F. Antinori, M. Campbell, M. Caselle, P. Chochula, R. Dinapoli,
F. Formenti, J.J.Van Hunen, A. Kluge, F. Meddi, M. Morel,
P. Riedler, W. Snoeys, G. Stefanini , K. Wyllie.
The HAL25 Front-end chip for the ALICE Silicon Strip Detectors
Christine Hu-Guo, Ires, Strasbourg, France
D. Bonnet, A. Brogna, J.P. Coffin, G. Deptuch, C. Gojak, J.R. Lutz, A.
Tarchini, J.D. Berst, G. Claus, C. Colledani
Test results of the front-end system for the
silicon drift detectors of
Giovanni Mazza, INFN, Sezione di Torino, Torino, Italy
A. Rivetti , G. Anelli , M.I. Martinez, F. Rotondo, F.
Tosello, R. Wheadon
Irradiation and SPS Beam Tests of the
Alice1LHCb Pixel Chip
Jeroen J. van Hunen (For the ALICE collaboration), CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
G. Anelli, M. Burns, K. Banicz, M. Campbell, P. Chochula, R. Dinapoli, S.
Easo, F. Formenti, M. Girone, T. Gys, A. Kluge, M. Morel, P. Riedler, W. Snoeys,
G. Stefanini, K. Wyllie, A. Jusko, M. Krivda, M. Luptak, M. Caselle, R.
Caliandro, D. Elia, V. Manzari, V. Lenti, F. Riggi, F. Antinori, F. Meddi.
Progress in Development of the Analogue Readout Chip for Silicon Strip Detector
Modules for LHC Experiments
Jan Kaplon, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
E. Chesi, A. Clark, W. Dabrowski, D. Ferrere, C. Lacasta, J. Lozano, S.
Roe, A. Rudge, R. Szczygiel, P. Weilhammer, A. Zsenei.
The ALICE on-detector pixel PILOT system - OPS
Alexander Kluge, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Anelli G., Antinori F., Ban J. Burns M., Campbell M., Chochula P., Dinapoli R., Formenti F.,van Hunen J.J., Krivda
M., Luptak M., Meddi F, Morel M., Riedler P., Snoeys W., Stefanini G., Wyllie K.
A Study
of Thermal Cycling and Radiation Effects on Indium and Solder Bump Bonding
Selcuk Cihangir, Fermilab, Particle Physics Division
W.L. Simon Kwan, J.A. Appel, D. Christian, G. Chiodini, F. Reygadas, C.
Beamtests of Prototype ATLAS SCT Modules at CERN H8 in 2000
Zdenek Dolezal , ATLAS SCT Collaboration
A.Barr , A.A.Carter , J.R.Carter , Z.Dolezal , J.C.Hill , T.Horazdovsky ,
P.Kodys , L.Eklund , G.Llosa , G.F.Moorhead , P.W.Phillips , P. Reznicek ,
A.Robson , I.Stekl , Y.Unno , V.Vorobel , M.Vos
Design and Test of a DMILL Module Controller Chip for the Atlas Pixel
Roberto Beccherle, INFN Genova, Italy