7th Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments

                TENTATIVE PROGRAM


Sunday 09 September




Monday,  10 September 2001







10:00 12:30

Partially Depleted SOI Circuit Design Considerations
K. Bernstein STSM IBM Server Technology

12:30 14:00



PLENARY SESSION         Chairman P. Sharp

14:00 14:30 Welcome by P. Sharp, C. Bohm and XXXXXXXXXXXXX
14:30 15:15 LHC Experimental Programme
J.Engelen (NIKHEF, Chairman of the CERN LHC Committee)
15:15 16:00 Status of LHC Machine
T. Taylor (CERN)
16:00 16:45 Coffee break
16:45 17:15 Trends in  high-performance CMOS
K. Bernstein STSM IBM Server Technology
17:15 18:00 Electronics development in industry


Tuesday, 11 September 2001


PLENARY SESSION       Chairman M. Turala



Electronics for Pixel Detectors
M. Campbell (CERN)



Modern board-level electronics design
J. Bovier (CES, Geneva)



Coffee break

Parallel Session A
Electronics for Tracker

Parallel Session B
Trigger electronics

11:00 11:25 Design of ladder EndCap electronics for the ALICE ITS SSD.
R. Kluit (NIKHEF), G. Hall (Imperial College)
J. Dawson (Argonne), W. Smith (U. Wisconsin)
11:25 11:50 Performance of the Beetle Readout-Chip for LHCb
D. Baumeister (MPI Heidelberg)
A Prototype fast multiplicity discriminator for Alice L0 TRIGGER
L. Efimov (Dubna)
11:50 12:15 Development of the Pixel Detector Module for the BTeV Experiment at Fermilab
S. Zimmermann (FNAL)
TIM ( TTC Interface Module ) for ATLAS SCT & PIXEL Read Out Electronics
M. Postranecky (UC London)
12:15 12:40 The ALICE Pixel Detector Readout Chip Test System
M. Burns (CERN)
The LHCb Timing and Fast Control
R.. Jacobsson (CERN)
12:40 13:05 Implementation Issues of  the LHCb Readout Supervisor
Z. Guzik
12:40 14:15


14:15 14:40 The HAL25 Front-end chip for the ALICE Silicon Strip Detectors
C. Hu (Ires Strasbourg), M. Turala (INP Cracow)
CMS regional calorimeter trigger jet logic
W.H. Smith (Wisconsin University), M. Schmelling  (MPI Heidelberg)
14:40 15:05 Test Results of the front-end system for the silicon drift detectors of ALICE
A. Rivetti, (INFN Torino), G. Mazza (INFN Torino)
The track-finding processor for the level-1 trigger of the CMS endcap muon system".
A. Madorsky (University Florida Gainesville)
15:05 15:30

Irradiation Tests and Tracking Capabilities of the Alice1LHCb Pixel Chip
J.J. Van Hunen (CERN)

The Sector Logic demonstrator of the Level-1 Muon Barrel Trigger of the ATLAS Experiment
A. Salamon (INFN Roma)
15:30 16:00

Coffee break

16:00 16:25 Progress in Development of the Analogue Readout Chip for Si Strip Detector Modules for LHC Experiments
Jan Kaplon
One Size Fits All: Multiple Uses of Common Modules in the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger
E. Eisenhandler (Queen Mary)
16:25 16:50 The ALICE on-detector pixel PILOT system - OPS
A. Kluge (CERN)
The Final Multi-Chip Module of the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger Pre-processor
W. Hinderer (Heidelberg University)
16:50 17:15 Study of thermal cycling and radiation effects on Indium and fluxless solder bump-bonding devices
S. Cihangir (FNAL)
Prototype Readout Module for the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger Processors
V. Perera (RAL)


Wednesday, 12 September 2001

PLENARY SESSION         Chairman M. Letheren



Electronics for Calorimeters
V. Radeka (BNL)



Progress in Field-Programmable Logic
P. Allke (Xilinx)



Coffee break


Parallel Session A
Electronics for TRACKER

Parallel Session B
TRIGGER Electronics

11:00 11:25 Beamtests of Prototype ATLAS SCT Modules at CERN H8 in 2000
Z. Dolezal (IPN Praha), M. Turala (INP Cracow)
Prototype Slice of the Level-1 Muon Trigger in the Barrel Region of the ATLAS Experiment
R.Vari (INFN Roma), W. Smith (U. Wisconsin)
11:25 11:50 Design and Test of a DMILL Module Controller Chip for the Atlas Pixel Detector
R. Beccherle (INFN Genova)
Fast pre-trigger electronics of  T0/Centrality MCP-Based Start Detector for ALICE
L. Vinogradov (INR Moscow)

Radiation & Magnetic field tolerant electronics systems

11:50 12:15 Radiation Tests on Commercial Instrumentation Amplifiers, Analog Sw., DAC's & ADC's
J. Agapito (UCM Madrid)
Further developments in the ALICE Trigger
A. Jusko (Kosice)
12:15 12:40 Low dose rate effects and ionization radiation tolerance of the atlas tracker front-end electronics
M. Ullan (UC Santa Cruz)
Design and test of the track-sorter-slave ASIC for the CMS drift tube chambers
F. Odorici (INFN Bologna)
12:40 14:15


Electronics for Calorimetry
14:15 14:40 Use of antifuse-FPGAs in the Track-Sorter-Master of the CMS Drift Tube Chambers
G. M. Dallavalle (INFN Bologna), M. Letheren (CERN)
Overview of the DMILL AISCs developments for the ATLAS LAr calorimeter
C. de la Taille (LAL Orsay), P. Borgeaud (Saclay)
14:40 15:05 Neutron radiation tolerance tests of optical and opto-electronic components for the CMS Muon Barrel Alignment
A. Fenyvesi (Atomki, Debrecen)
DeltaStream : A 36 channel low noise, large dynamic range silicon detector readout ASIC optimised for large detector capacitance
P. Aspell (CERN)
15:05 15:30 Radiation test and application of FPGAs in the Atlas Level 1 Trigger.
V. Bocci (INFN Roma)
The mixed analog/digital shaper of the LHCb preshower
J. Lecoq (LPC Clermont)
15:30 16:00

Coffee break

16:00 16:25 A Radiation Tolerant Gigabit Serializer for LHC Data Transmission
P. Moreira (CERN)
Tests and Production of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Digitizer
C. Bohm (Stockholm University)
16:25 16:50 Development of an optical data transfer system for the LHCb rich detectors
N. Smale (Oxford)
Low Voltage Control for the Liquid Argon Hadronic End-Cap Calorimeter of ATLAS
H. Brettel (MPI Munchen)
16:50 17:15 A Radiation Tolerant Laser Driver Array for Optical Transmission in the LHC Experiments
G. Cervelli (CERN)
On the developments of the Read Out Driver for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter
V. Gonzalez (IFIC Valencia)


Thursday, 13 September 2001

PLENARY SESSION         Chairman W. Smith



Electronics for Space Experiments
G. Viertel (ETH -  Zurich)



SEU in Field-Programmable Logic
S. Mattsson (Saab Space)



Coffee break

Parallel Session A

Parallel Session B

11:00 11:25 Quality Assurance Programme for the Environmental Testing of CMS Tracker Optical Links
K. Gill (CERN), P. Farthouat (CERN)
Front-end/DAQ interfaces in CMS
A. Racz (CERN), J. Christiansen (CERN)
11:25 11:50 Analogue Optohybrids for the CMS Tracker
M.T. Brunetti (INFN Perugia)
The Embedded Local Monitor Board in the LHC Detector Front-end I/O Control System
B. Hallgren (CERN)
11:50 12:15 Status Report of the ATLAS SCT Optical Links
T. Weidberg (Oxford)
Design of a Data Concentrator Card for the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter Readout
J. Varela (LIP Lisbon)
12:15 12:40 Radiation-hard ASICs for optical data transmission in the ATLAS Pixel detector
M. Ziolkowski (Siegen University)
Vertical Slice of the ATLAS Control System
H.J. Burckhart (CERN)
12:40 13:05 An optical link interface for the Atlas Tile-Calorimeter
C. Bohm (Stockholm University)
A rad-hard 8-channel 12-bit resolution ADC for slow control applications in the LHC environment
G. Magazzu (INFN Pisa)
13:05 14:15


    Electronics for Muons
14:15 14:40 DIALOG: an Integrated Circuit for front-end Logics, Diagnostics and Time Alignment in the LHCb muon system.
A. Lai ( INFN Cagliari), E. Petrolo (INFN Roma)
Design specifications and simulation of the HMPID's control system in the ALICE experiment
E. Carrone (CERN), V. Radeka (BNL)
14:40 15:05 Production and Radiation Tests of A TDC LSI for the ATLAS Muon Detector
Y. Arai (KEK)
The CMS HCAL Data Concentrator:  A Modular, Standards-Based Implementation
E. Hazen (Boston University)
Grounding, Shielding, Cooling and Alignment
15:05 15:30  


Development of Radiation Hardened DC-DC converters for the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter
H. Takai (BNL)
15:30 16:00

Coffee break

16:00 16:25 Anode Front-End Electronics for the Cathode Strip Chambers of the CMS Endcap Muon Detector
N. Bondar (St Petersbourg)
EMI Filter Design and Stability Assessment of DC Voltage Distribution based on Switching Converters
C. Rivetta (FNAL)
16:25 16:50 CMOS front-end for the MDT sub-detector in the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer, development and performance
C. Posch (Boston University)
The power supply system for CMS-ECAL APDS
A. Bartoloni (INFN Roma)
16:50 17:15 The MAD, a Full Custom ASIC for the CMS Barrel Muon Chambers Front End Electronics
F. Gonella (INFN Padova)
Power Supply and Power Distribution System for the ATLAS Silicon Strip Detectors
P. Malecki (INPhttp://lebwshop.home.cern.ch/lebwshop/Stockholm/program.htm Krakow)http://lebwshop.home.cern.ch/lebwshop/Stockholm/program.htm
17:15 17:40 Progress on the CARIOCA Frontend Development
D. Moraes (UFRJ Rio de Janeiro)
Conductive cooling of  SDD and SSD Front-End chips for ALICE
G. Feofilov (St Petersburg)

Friday, 14 September 2001

PLENARY SESSION      Chairman P. Sharp



Summary of sessions A and discussion
P. Sharp (CERN)






Summary of sessions B and discussion
P. Sharp (CERN)

11:30 11:45

Wrap-up and farewell

(9 July 2001 - ci)