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Trigger Implementation in the KLOE Experiment PDF
Speaker: Valerio Bocci
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Roma, Italy)
Authors: V. Bocci, P. Branchini , F. Bossi, G. Felici ,M. Gatta,
R. Messi, G. De Robertis ,M. Palutan ,V. Patera, A. Sciubba
New Developments for the ALICE Trigger PDF
Speaker: Vito Lenti (Dipartimento
di Fisica dell'Universita and Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Bari,
Authors: A. Bhasin, G. Blanchard, I.J. Bloodworth, P. Dupieux, D.
Evans, G.A. Feofilov, M. Gallio, G.T. Jones, P. Jovanovic, A. Jusko, J.B.
Kinson, A. Kirk, B. Kocper,
A. Kolovjari, I. Kralik, F. Lefevre, V. Lenti, V. Lindenstruth,
M. Luptak, V. Manzari, F. Piuz, O. Roig, D. Roehrich,W.N. Stokes, I. Suchodolinska,
P. Vande Vyvre,
A. Vascotto, E. Vercellin, O. Villalobos Baillie, M.F.Votruba
The Readout Bus of the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger Pre-Processor
Speaker: Cornelius
Schumacher (Institut fur Hochenergiephysik der Universita, Heidelberg,
Authors: C. Schumacher representing the ATLAS level-1 calorimeter
trigger group
CMS Calorimeter Regional Trigger Prototypes PDF
Speaker: Sridhara Dasu
(University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA)
Authors: S. Dasu, M. Jaworski, J. Lackey, W.H. Smith
The electron/photon and tau/hadron Cluster Processor for the ATLAS
First-Level Trigger - a Flexible Test System PDF
Speaker: Viraj Perera
(Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, UK)
Authors: V. Perera, I. Brawn, J. Edwards, C.N.P. Gee, A. Gillman,
R. Hatley, A. Shah, T.P. Shah, P. Bright-Thomas, J. Garvey, K. Jayananda,
R. Staley, W.N. Stokes,
S. Talbot, P. Watkins, A. Watson, E. Eisenhandler, W.R. Gibson,
M. Landon, C. Geweniger, P. Hanke, E.-E. Kluge, J. Krause, K. Mahboubi,
K. Meier, U. Pfeiffer,
A. Putzer, K. Schmitt, C. Schumacher, B. Bauss, K. Georgi, K. Jakobs,
G. Quast, U. Schaefer, J. Thomas, C. Bohm, M. Engstrom, S. Silverstein,
S. Hellman
Primitives for the CMS Cathode Strip Muon Trigger PDF
Speaker and author: Jay
Hauser (University of California, Los Angeles, California USA)
New Approach for the CMS Muon Trigger Track Finder Processor
Speaker and author: Janos Ero
(Institute for High Energy Physics HEPHY, Vienna, Austria and CERN, Geneva,
Use of Programmable Logic in a Pipelined Trigger for ATLAS
Speaker: Samuel Silverstein
(Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden)
Authors: K. Jakobs, G. Quast, U. Schaefer, J. Thomas, C. Bohm, M.
Engstrom, S. Hellman, S. Silverstein
The Track-Finding Processor for the Level-1 Trigger of the CMS Endcap
Muon System PDF
Speaker: Darin Acosta (University
of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA)
Authors: D. Acosta, A. Madorsky, B. Scurlock, S.M. Wang, A. Atamanchuk,
V. Golovtsov, B. Razmyslovich
A Prototype ROI Builder for the Second Level Trigger of ATLAS Implemented
Speaker: John Dawson (Argonne
National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, USA)
Authors: R. E. Blair, J. W. Dawson, W. N. Haberichter, J.
L. Schlereth, M. Abolins, Y. Ermoline
Modules Development for the TTC System PDF
Speaker and author: Per Gallno
(CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)
Strategy for Timing Adjustment of ATLAS End-Cap/Forward Muon Trigger
System PDF
Speaker: Kazumi Hasuko
(International Center for Elementary Particle Physics ICEPP, University
of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan)
Authors: K. Hasuko, S. Matsuura, O. Sasaki
Timing, Trigger and Control Interface Module for ATLAS SCT Read Out
Electronics PS
Speaker: Martin Postranecky
(University College London, Department of Physics and Astronomy, London,
Authors: J. Butterworth, D. Hayes, J. Lane, M. Postranecky