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A 40 MHz Clock and Trigger Recovery Circuit for the CMS Tracker Fabricated
in a 0.25 µm CMOS Technology and Using a Self Calibration
Technique PDF
Corresponding author: Pisana
Placidi (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland and University and Istituto Nazionale
di Fisica Nucleare, Perugia, Italy)
Authors: P. Placidi, A Marchioro, P. Moreira, K. Kloukinas
CANbus and Microcontroller Use in the BaBar Detector at SLAC
Corresponding author: Thomas
Meyer (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University,
Ames, Iowa, USA)
Authors: H. B. Crawley, P.-A. Fischer, R. L. McKay, W. T.
Meyer, P. L. Anthony
The ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger Pre-Processor PDF
Corresponding author: Cornelius
Schumacher (Institut für Hochenergiephysik, Heidelberg, Germany)
Authors: P. Hanke, D. Husmann, M. Keller, E. E. Kluge, J. Krause,
K. Mahboubi, K. Meier, U. Pfeiffer, V. Schatz, K. Schmitt, C. Schumacher,
B. Stelzer, O. Stelzer
Optimization of a Readout Architecture for Pixel Detectors
Corresponding author: Gustavo
Cancelo (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois,
FPGA Design in the Presence of Single Event Upsets PDF
Corresponding author: Zoltan
Meggyesi (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)
Authors: Z. Meggyesi, E. van der Bij, R. McLaren
The ALICE Detector Data Link PDF
Corresponding author: Gyorgy
Rubin (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)
Authors: G. Rubin , P. Vande Vyvre, P. Csato, E. Denes, T. Kiss,
Z. Meggyesi, J. Sulyan, G. Vesztergombi, B. Eged, I. Gerencser, I. Novak,
C. Soos,
D. Tarjan, A. Telegdy, N. Toth
Development of the Printed Circuit Units for Multiwire Chambers
Corresponding author: Yury
Volkov (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia)
Authors: E. Atkin, S. Kondratenko, Yu. Mishin, A. Pleshko, Yu. Volkov,
A. Goldsher, V. Chernikov
Analog Signal Splitter PDF
Corresponding author: Eduard
Atkin (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia)
Authors: E. Atkin, Yu. Mishin, Yu. Volkov
Relative Robustness Against Process Fluctuations of Basic Building
Blocks for Analog Front-End of Particle Detectors PDF
Corresponding author: Cristoforo
Marzocca (Dipartimento di Elletrotecnica ed Elettronica, Politecnico,
Bari, Italy)
Authors: E. Cantatore, F. Corsi, C. Marzocca, G. Matarrese
Performance and Radiation Tolerance of the Helix128-2.2 and 3.0 Readout
Chips for the HERA-B Microstrip Detectors PDF
Corresponding author: Ulrich
Trunk (Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany)
Authors: C. Bauer, W. Fallot-Burghardt, Kl-T. Knoepfle, V. Pugatch,
B. Schwingenheuer, E. Sexauer, U. Trunk, M. Feuerstack-Raible, B. Glass,
S. Hausmann,
S. Loechner, K. Mueller, U. Straumann, R. Kluit,
H. Deppe, U. Koetz, R. Carlin, R. Sacchi
Single Event Upset Studies on the APV6 Front End Readout Chip
Corresponding author: Jonathan
Fulcher (Imperial College, London, UK)
Authors: J. Fulcher , G. Hall, M. Raymond, D. Bisello, A. Paccagnella,
I. Stavitski, J. Wyss, A. Kaminski, M. French, L. Jones
Charge Amplifier and Analog Memory for Silicon Drift Detectors in
Corresponding author: Nunzio
Randazzo (University of Catania and Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare,
Catania, Italy)
Authors: N. Randazzo, D. Lo Presti, L. Caponetto
A Low Cost CAN Node for A/D Measurements in ATLAS PDF
Corresponding author: Paul
Mockett (University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA)
Authors: P. M. Mockett, M. Twomey
FERMI - A Digital Front End Readout Micro-System for Calorimetric
Detectors at LHC PDF
Corresponding author: Magnus
Hansen (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)
The Electronic Calibration of the ECAL-CMS PDF
Corresponding author: Jean-Pierre
Mendiburu (LAPP, Annecy-le-Vieux, France)
Authors: Y. Baek, D. Boget, J. Ditta, N. Fouque, J.-P. Mendiburu
Low Noise BiCMOS Front-End Amplifier in the DMILL Technology
Corresponding author: Christine
Hu-Guo (Institut de Recherches Subatomiques IReS, Strasbourg, France)
Authors: C. Hu-Guo, P. Schmitt , T.D. Le , C. Hoffmann , Y.
Zinzinus , Y. Hu
A 128 Channels Analog Readout Chip (APVD_DC) for DC-Coupled Silicon
Detectors of the CMS Tracker PDF
Corresponding author: Christine
Hu-Guo (Institut de Recherches Subatomiques IReS, Strasbourg, France)
Authors: G. Deptuch, U. Goerlach , C. Hu-Guo, P. Schmitt , J.D.
Berst , C. Colledani , Y. Hu , J.-L. Sohler, R. Turchetta, M. Dupanloup
, S. Gardien
Use of Diffused Laser Irradiation to Improve Dose Rate Simulation
Adequacy PDF
Corresponding author: Peter Skorobogatov
(Specialized Electronic Systems, Moscow, Russia)
Authors: A.A. Demidov, A.Y. Nikiforov, P.K. Skorobogatov
Neural Network Triggers for Global Event Decision at the LHC
Corresponding author: Christian
Kiesling (Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, München, Germany)
The HERA-B high-PT Level-0 Trigger Logic Electronics
Corresponding author: Vladimir
Popov (Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow,
Authors: H. Riege, J. Schuett, R. van Staa, V. Popov
An Automated Test Bench for the ATLAS Shapers and SCAs
Corresponding author: Daniel
Dzahini (ISN, Grenoble, France)
Authors: JP. Richer, C. de la Taille, R. Bernier, D. Breton, A.
Patti, D. Dzahini, J. Collot, E. Delagnes
Large-System Experience with the ASD-8 Chip in the HERA-B Experiment
Corresponding author: Hermann Kolanoski
(DESY, Zeuthen, Germany)
Authors: K. Berkhan, H. Kolanoski, M. Pohl, U. Uwer, S.Vassiliev