© University of Wisconsin, LHC Electronics Board,
1999. |
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The purpose of the workshop was to review the electronics
for LHC experiments and to identify areas and encourage common efforts
for the development of electronics within and between the different LHC
experiments and to promote cross fertilisation in the engineering and physics
communities involved in the LHC activities.
The program of the workshop included both invited plenary
talks and parallel working groups for contributed papers. The focus of
the workshop was research and recent development in the following topics:
Radiation and magnetic field tolerant electronics systems
Optoelectronics and data transfer systems
Detector control and real time systems
Electronics production and test techniques
Systems reliability, quality assurance and maintenance
Electronics for trackers
Electronics for calorimeters
Electronics for muon detectors
Trigger electronics
Low voltage and high voltage distribution
Grounding shielding and cooling
The welcome address was given by Peter Sharp, Chairman
of the CERN LHCC Electronics Board and by Wesley Smith, Chairman of the
local organising committee.
Chaired by Peter Sharp:
The LEB and the LHC
Peter Sharp (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot,
Electronics Components and Systems, Radiation Qualification
for Use in the LHC Machine
Invited Raymond Rausch (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)
Project Management
Invited Ed Temple (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory,
Batavia, Illinois, USA)
Electronics for High Energy Physics Experiments in the
Giga-Scale Integration Era
Invited Krishna Shenai (University of Illinois, Chicago,
Illinois, USA)
Chaired by Steve Quinton:
Developing and Commissioning BABAR Electronics
Invited Andrew Lankford (University of California,
Irvine, California, USA)
Development, Production and Installation of CDF Electronics
Invited Peter Wilson (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory,
Batavia, Illinois, USA)
Chaired by Michael Letheren:
The Future of FPGAs
Invited Peter Alfke (Xilinx Inc., San Jose, California,
Chaired by Philippe Farthouat:
Testing Electronics
Invited Jorgen Christiansen (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)
Scalable Test Solutions: A Means of Improving ASIC Performance
and Time-to-Market in Mixed-Signal Engineering Test
Invited Birger Schneider (MicroLex, Hoersholm, Denmark)
Chaired by Peter Sharp:
Using COTS at the LHC: Building on Space Experience
Invited Jim Kinnison (Johns Hopkins University, Laurel,
Maryland, USA)
The roundtable on COTS was chaired by Peter Winokur
(Sandia Laboratory, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA).
The two parallel working groups focussed on the system
design issues involved in the electronics for :
Electronics for Trackers (Chairmen: Michal Turala and
Geoff Hall)
Optoelectronics and Data Transfer Systems (Chairmen: Michal
Turala and Michael Letheren)
Radiation and Magnetic Field Tolerant Electronics Systems
(Chairman: Veljko Radeka)
Electronics for Calorimeters (Chairmen: Veljko Radeka
and Pierre Borgeaud)
Panel Discussion chaired by Hugh H. Williams (University
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA)
Trigger Electronics (Chairmen: Wesley Smith and Sridhara
R. Dasu)
Data Acquisition and Detector Control and Real Time System
(Chairman: Michael Schmelling)
Grounding Shielding and Cooling (Chairmen: Fabio Formenti
and Jorgen Christiansen)
Electronics for Muon Detectors (Chairman: Jorgen Christiansen)
Panel Discussion chaired by John Elias (Fermi National
Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois, USA)
The posters session was chaired by Steve Quinton
Company attending was CAEN SpA, Viareggio, Italy.
The sixth workshop is expected to take place in Krakow,
Poland, in September 2000.
Further information will be made available in due
course on the World Wide Web.
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