on Electronics for LHC Experiments Krakow, Poland, 11 - 15 September 2000 ELECTRONICS FOR TRACKER |
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of the CMS Pixel Detector
Danek Kotlinski, Paul
Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland
D. Kotlinski, R. Baur, K. Gabathuler, R. Horisberger, R. Schnyder,
W. Erdmann
electronics for ATLAS Pixel detector
Laurent Blanquart,
Centre de Physique des Particules, Marseille, France
on behalf of the ATLAS Pixel community
ALICE Silicon Pixel Detector Readout System
Michael Burns, CERN,
Geneva, Switzerland
F. Antinori, J. Ban, M. Burns, M. Campbell, P. Chochula, F. Formenti,
T. Grassi, A. Kluge, P. Lisco, F. Meddi, M. Morel, W. Snoeys, G. Stefanini,
K. Wyllie
for the ALICE Collaboration
analog front-end in standard 0.25mm CMOS for
silicon pixel detectors in ALICE and LHCb
Roberto Dinapoli,
INFN Sezione di Bari, Bari, Italy
R. Dinapoli, M. Campbell, E. Cantatore, V. Cencelli, E. Heijne ,P.
Jarron, P. Lamanna, V. O’Shea, V. Quiquempoix, D. San Segundo Bello, W.
Snoeys, B. van Koningsveld, K. Wyllie
in Development of the Readout Chip for the ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker
Wladyslaw Dabrowski,
Faculty of Physics & Nuclear Techniques, UMM, Krakow, Poland
F. Anghinolfi, A. Clark, W. Dabrowski, B. Dick , T. Dubbs, L. Eklund,
M. French, W. Gannon, A. Grillo, P. Jarron, J. Kaplon, J. Kudlaty, C. Lacasta,
D. LaMarra, D. Macina, I. Mandic, G. Meddeler, H. Niggli, P.W. Phillips,
P. Weilhammer, E. Spencer, R. Szczygiel, A. Zsenei
Read-Out Chip for Si Strip Detector Modules for LHC Experiments
Jan Kaplon, CERN, Geneva,
E. Chesi, J.A. Clark, V. Cindro, W. Dabrowski, D. Ferrere, J. Kaplon,
G. Kramberger, C. Lacasta, J. Lozano, M. Mikuz, C. Morone, S. Roe, A. Rudge,
R. Szczygiel, M. Tadel, P. Weilhammer, A. Zsenei
database for the ATLAS-SCT front-end ASICs
Carlos Lacasta, Instituto
de Física Corpuscular (IFIC), Valencia,Spain
F. Anghinolfi, W. Dabrowski, P. Demierre, D. Ferrère, J.
Kaplon, C. Lacasta, R. Szczygiel
CMS Tracker APV25 0.25 µm CMOS Readout Chip
Mark Raymond, Blackett Laboratory,
Imperial College, London, UK
M. Raymond, G. Cervelli, M. French, J. Fulcher, G. Hall, L. Jones,
L-K. Lim, G. Marseguerra, P. Moreira, Q. Morrissey, A. Neviani, E. Noah
CMS Tracker front-end and control electronics in an LHC like beam test
Nancy Marinelli, Blackett
Laboratory, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom
W. Beaumont, M. Bozzo, C. Civinini, J. Coughlan, F. Drouhin, P.
Figueiredo, L. Fiore, A. Giassi, R. Grabit, K.Gill, J. Gutleber, G. Hall,
L. Latronico, C. Ljuslin, M. Loreti, C. Maazouzi,
A. Marchioro, N. Marinelli, C. Paillard, T. Parthipan, P.
Siegrist, L. Silvestris, I. Tomalin, A. Tsirou, F. Vasey, P.G. Verdini,
P. Walsham, B. Wittmer, A. Zghiche
APVD Readout Circuit for DC-Coupled Silicon Detectors
Ulrich Goerlach,
IReS, IN2P3/ULP, Strasbourg, France
J.D. Berst, C. Colledani, J. Croix, R. Dellanegra, G. Deptuch, W.
Dulinski, M. Dupanloup, S. Gardien, U. Goerlach, C. Hoffmann, C. Hu-Guo,
Y. Hu, T.D. Le, Ph. Schmitt, JL. Sohler,R. Turchetta, Y. Zinzinus
Mixed-Signal ASIC for the Silicon Drift Detectors of the ALICE Experiment
in a 0.25mm CMOS
Angelo Rivetti, CERN, Geneva,
Switzerland and INFN, Torino, Italy
A. Rivetti, G. Anelli, F. Anghinolfi, G. Mazza, P. Jarron
of a Readout Chip for LHCb
Daniel Baumeister,
Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, Germany
D. Baumeister, M. Feuerstack-Raible, N. Harnew, W. Hofmann, K.-.
Knoepfle, S. Loechner, M. Schmelling, J. Schweda, E. Sexauer, N. Smale,
N. van Bakel, J. van den Brand, H. Verkooijen
of the ASDBLR and DTMROC ASICS for the ATLAS TRT in DMILL Technology
Mitch Newcomer, University
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Pa., USA
N. Dressnandt, N. Lam, F.M. Newcomer, R.P. VanBerg, H.H.Williams
Implementation of a Tail Cancellation Filter for the Time Projection Chamber
of the ALICE Experiment
Bernardo Mota, CERN,
Geneva, Switzerland
B. Mota, L. Musa, R. Esteve, A. Jimenez de Parga
data driven high performance Time to Digital Converter
Jorgen Christiansen,
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
J. Christiansen, S. Debieux, A. Marchioro, P. Moreira, M. Mota,
V. Ryjov
Simplified and Accurate Fromt-End Electronics Chain for Timing RPCs
Paulo Fonte, LIP and
ISEC, Coimbra, Portugal
A. Blanco, N. Carolino, P. Fonte, A. Gobbi for the ALICE Collaboration
a Sparse Data Scan Readout Processor for the HMPID Detector of ALICE
Jean-Claude Santiard,
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
P. Martinengo, J.C. Santiard and H. Witters