PROCEEDINGS of the Sixth Workshop 
on Electronics for LHC Experiments
Krakow, Poland,   11 - 15 September 2000


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Performance of a High Voltage Power Supply Incorporating a Ceramic Transformer
Masatosi Imori , Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Japan
Yoshiaki Shikaze, Masatosi Imori , Hideyuki Fuke, Hiroshi Matsumoto and Takashi Taniguchi

Multichannel System of Fully Isolated HV Power Supplies for Silicon Strip Detectors
Piotr Malecki, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow, Poland
E. Górnicki, P. Malecki, S. Koperny

Switching Power Supply Technology for ATLAS Lar Calorimeter
Helio Takai, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA
J. Kierstead and H. Takai

Grounding and Shielding of the ATLAS TRT - an overall strategy
Zbigniew Hajduk, Insitute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow, Poland
Z. Hajduk and M. Mandl for the TRT Collaboration

Design Considerations of Low Voltage DC Power Distribution for CMS Sub-Detectors
Claudio Rivetta, ETH, Zurich and CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
B. Allongue, J. Elias, P. Fontaine, S. Lusin, C. Rivetta, P. Robl, G. Stefanini, F. Szoncso

Electronic Design Automation tools for high-speed electronic systems
John Evans, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
B.J. Evans, E. Calvo Giraldo, T. Motos Lopez

Development of Fluorocarbon Evaporative Cooling Recirculators and Controls for the ATLAS Pixel and Semiconductor Tracking Detectors.
Greg Hallewell, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, UK and CCPM, Marseille, France
C. Bayer, S. Berry, P. Bonneau, M. Bosteels, H. Burckhart, D. Cragg, R. English, G. Hallewell, B. Hallgren, S. Kersten, P. Kind,
K. Langedrag, S. Lindsay, M. Merkel, S. Stapnes, J. Thadome, V. Vacek

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