PROCEEDINGS of the Sixth Workshop 
on Electronics for LHC Experiments
Krakow, Poland,   11 - 15 September 2000


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Trigger Throttling System for CMS DAQ
Attila Racz, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

The CMS DT Muon DDU: a PMC based interface between frontend and data-acquisition.
Roberto Cirio, INFN, Torino, Italy
F. Benotto, F. Bertolino, R. Cirio,G. Dellacasa

Timing, Trigger and Control Distribution and Dead-time Control in ATLAS
Per Gunnar Gällnö, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

Specification and Simulation of ALICE DAQ System
Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo, CERN, Geneva, Swtizerland
G. Di Marzo Serugendo, P. Jovanovic, P. vande Vyvre, O. Villalobos Baillie

The ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeters Read Out Drivers (ROD)
Julie Prast, Laboratoire de Physique des Particules, Annecy-le-Vieux, France
for the ATLAS Collaboration

ATLANTIS - a modular, hybrid FPGA/CPU processor for the ATLAS Readout Systems
Matthias Mueller, University of Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany
A. Kugel, Ch. Hinkelbein, L. Levinson, R. Maenner, M. Mueller, H. Singpiel

The new ATLAS TRT read-out system
Peter Lichard, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

Off-Detector Electronics for a High-Rate CSC Detector
Kurt Vetter, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA
J. Dailing, N. Drego, A. Gordeev, V. Gratchev, D. Hawkins, A. Kandasamy, A. Lankford, Y. Li, P. O'Connor, S. Pier, V. Polychronakos, M. Schernau, D. Stoker, V. Tcherniatine, B. Toledano, K. Vetter

Design of the Front-End Driver card for CMS Silicon Microstrip Tracker Readout.
John A. Coughlan, CLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxon, UK
S.A. Baird, K.W. Bell, E. Corrin, J.A. Coughlan, R. Halsall, W.J. Haynes, I.R. Tomalin

Software developments for the Readout Unit Prototypes for CMS DAQ System
Eric Cano, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
G. Antchev, M. Bellato, E. Cano, S. Cittolin, S. Erhan, B. Faure, D. Gigi, J. Gutleber, C. Jacobs, F. Meijers, E. Meschi, A. Ninane. L. Orsini, L. Pollet, A. Racz, D. Samyn, W. Schleifer, N.J. Sinanis, P. Sphicas

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