Sunday 10 September
16:00 |
18:00 |
18:00 |
Friendly Glass of Beer |
Monday 11 September
08:00 |
10:00 |
10:00 |
10:30 |
Coffee |
10:30 |
10:45 |
Introduction and Welcome |
10:45 |
11:30 |
LHC Experimental Program |
11:30 |
12:15 |
Status of the LHC
Machine |
12:15 |
13:00 |
Components and Systems for the Control of the LHC Machine |
13:00 |
14:30 |
Lunch |
14:30 |
15:15 |
ALICE Electronics |
15:15 |
16:00 |
ATLAS Electronics |
16:00 |
16:30 |
Coffee |
16:30 |
17:15 |
CMS Electronics |
17:15 |
18:00 |
LHCb Electronics |
19:00 |
RECEPTION at City Hall |
Tuesday 12 September
09:00 |
09:45 |
Semiconductors policy for foundry procurement |
09:45 |
10:30 |
Packaging of
silicon particle detectors, how to adapt microelectronic processes to large dies |
10:30 |
11:00 |
Coffee |
Parallel Session A |
Parallel Session B |
11:00 |
11:20 |
The CMS Pixel Detector D. Kotlinski, PSI Villigen |
Project status of the CMS tracker optical
links F. Vasey, CERN Geneva |
11:20 |
11:40 |
Front-End electronics for ATLAS Pixel
detector L. Blanquart, CPPM Marseille |
Radiation Hard Optical Links for the ATLAS
SCT and Pixel Detectors T. Weidberg, Oxford University |
11:40 |
12:00 |
The ALICE Silicon Pixel Detector
Readout System M. Burns, CERN Geneva |
Recent Progress in Field-Programmable Logic |
12:00 |
12:20 | First results from the ALICE1LHCb pixel
chip R. Dinapoli, University of Bari |
LHC machine timing distribution for the
experiments B. Taylor, CERN Geneva |
12:20 |
12:40 |
Progress in development of the readout
chip for the ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker W. Dabrowski, UMM Krakow |
Updated Design for the ALICE Central
Trigger O. Villalobos Baillie, University of Birmingham |
12:40 |
13:00 |
Analogue Read-Out Chip for Si Strip
Detector Modules for LHC Experiments J. Kaplon, CERN Geneva |
A front end ASIC for the Dimuon arm
trigger of the ALICE experiment L.Royer, LPC Clermont-Ferrand |
13:00 |
14:30 |
Lunch |
Parallel Session A |
Parallel Session B |
14:30 |
14:50 |
Production data base for the ATLAS-SCT
front-end ASICs C. Lacasta, IFIC Valencia |
First-Level End-Cap Muon Trigger System
for ATLAS K. Hasuko, ICEPP Tokyo |
14:50 |
15:10 |
The CMS Tracker APV25 0.25µm CMOS readout
chip G.Hall, IC London |
Study of LVDS Serial Links for the ATLAS
Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger J. Thomas, University of Mainz |
15:10 |
15:30 |
The CMS Tracker front-end and
control electronics in an LHC like beam test N. Marinelli, IC London |
CMS Regional Calorimeter Trigger High
Speed ASICs W. Smith, University of Wisconsin Madison |
15:30 |
15:50 |
Characterisation of the APVD Read-Out
Circuit for DC-Couples Silicon Detectors U. Goerlach, IReS Strasbourg |
A Demonstrator for the ATLAS Level-1 Muon
Trigger Interface to the Central Trigger Processor Ph. Farthouat, CERN Geneva |
15:50 |
16:20 |
Coffee |
16:20 |
16:40 |
A Mixed Signal ASIC for the
Silicon Drift Detectors of the ALICE Experiment in a 0.25um CMOS A. Rivetti, CERN Geneva |
The Trigger Menu Handler for the ATLAS
Level-1 Central Trigger Processor R. Spiwoks, CERN Geneva |
16:40 |
17:00 |
Test results of the ALICE SDD electronic
readout prototypes G. Mazza, INFN Torino |
The performance of a Pre-Processor
Multi-Chip Module for the ATLAS Level-1 Trigger U. Pfeiffer, University of Heidelberg |
17:00 |
17:20 |
FEE tracker module developments and
production for ALICE and STAR J.R. Lutz, IReS Strasbourg |
Readout system for the CMS RPC Muon
Trigger K. Pozniak, Warsaw University of Technology |
17:20 |
17:40 |
Design and test of a readout chip for LHCb D. Baumeister, MPI Kernphysik Heidelberg |
An FPGA-based implementation of the CMS
Global Calorimeter Trigger D. Newbold, University of Bristol |
17:40 |
18:00 |
Implementation of the ASDBLR and DTMROC
ASICS in DMILL Technology M. Newcomer, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia |
Wednesday 13 September
09:00 |
09:45 |
COTS for the
LHC radiation environment: the rules of the game |
09:45 |
10:30 |
low-mass hybrid and associated technology |
10:30 |
11:00 |
Coffee |
Parallel Session A |
Parallel Session B |
11:00 |
11:20 |
Digital Implementation of a Tail
Cancellation Filter for the Time Projection Chamber of the ALICE Experiment B. Mota, CERN Geneva |
Performance of a High Voltage Power Supply
incorporating a Ceramic Transformer M. Imori, University of Tokyo |
11:20 |
11:40 |
A data driven high-resolution
Time-to-Digital Converter J. Christiansen, CERN Geneva |
Multichannel system of fully isolated HV
power supplies for silicon strip detectors P. Malecki, INP Cracow |
11:40 |
12:00 |
A simplified and accurate front-end
electronics chain for timing RPCs P. Fonte, LIP Coimbra |
Switching Power Supply Technology for
ATLAS LAr Calorimeter H. Takai, BNL Upton |
12:00 |
12:20 |
DILOGIC-2 a Sparse Data Scan Readout
Processor for the HMPID Detector of ALICE J.C. Santiard, CERN Geneva |
Grounding and Shielding of the ATLAS TRT Z. Hajduk, INP Cracow |
12:20 |
12:40 |
Performance and Radiation Testing of a Low Noise Switched
Capacitor Array for the CMS Endcap Muon Chambers |
Design Considerations of Low Voltage DC
Power Distribution for CMS Sub-Detectors C. Rivetta, ETH Zurich |
12:40 |
13:00 |
The "MAD" a Full Custom ASIC for
the CMS Barrel Muon Chambers Front End Boards F. Gonella, INFN Padova |
Electronic Design Automation tools for
high-speed electronic systems J. Evans, CERN Geneva |
13:00 |
13:20 |
Performance and Radiation Tolerance of the
ATLAS CSC On-Chamber Electronics K. Vetter, BNL Upton |
Development of Fluorocarbon Evaporative
Cooling Recirculators and Controls for the ATLAS Pixel and Semiconductor Tracking
Detectors G. Hallewell, RAL Didcot and CPPM Marseille |
Thursday 14 September
09:00 |
09:45 |
Timing and
Synchronization in the LHC Experiments |
09:45 |
10:30 |
Controls for
the LHC Experiments |
10:30 |
11:00 |
Coffee |
Parallel Session A |
Parallel Session B |
11:00 |
11:20 |
HAMAC a rad-hard high dynamic range analog
memory for Atlas calorimetry D. Breton, LAL Orsay |
Trigger Throttling System for CMS DAQ A. Racz, CERN Geneva |
11:20 |
11:40 |
Calibration of the ATLAS Hadronic End-Cap
Calorimeter P. Strizenec, Inst. of Experimental Physics Kosice |
The CMS DT Muon DDU: a PMC based interface
between frontend and data-acquisition R. Cirio, INFN Torino |
11:40 |
12:00 |
An electronic calibration for the readout
chain of the ECAL-CMS J.P. Mendiburu, LAPP Annecy-le-Vieux |
Timing Trigger and Control distribution
and dead-time control in ATLAS P.G. Gallno, CERN Geneva |
12:00 | 12:20 | The CMS ECAL APD quality assurance facility S. Singovski, University of Minnesota Minneapolis |
Specification and Simulation of ALICE DAQ System G. di Marzo Serugendo, CERN Geneva |
12:20 | 12:40 |
Measurements of Radiation Effects on the Timing, Trigger and Control
Receiver (TTCrx) ASIC |
The ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeters Read
Out Drivers J. Prast, LAPP Annecy-le-Vieux |
12:4 | 13:00 | Radiation Test of CMS Endcap Muon
Front-end Electronics with 63 MeV Protons T.Y. Ling, Ohio State University Columbus |
ATLANTIS - a modular hybrid FPGA/CPU
processor for the ATLAS Readout Systems M.Mueller, University of Mannheim |
13:00 |
14:00 |
Lunch |
Parallel Session A |
Parallel Session B |
14:00 |
14:20 |
Radiation Tolerance Evaluation of the
ATLAS RPC Coincidence Matrix Submicron Technology R. Vari, INFN Roma |
The new ATLAS TRT read-out system P. Lichard, CERN Geneva |
14:20 |
14:40 |
First evaluation of neutron induced Single
Event Effects on the CMS barrel muon electronics P.G. Zotto, Politecnico Milano and INFN Padova |
Off-Detector Electronics for a High-Rate
CSC Detector K. Vetter, BNL Upton |
14:40 |
15:00 |
SEU tests of an 80Mbit/s optical receiver F. Faccio, CERN Geneva |
Design of the Front-End Driver card for
CMS Silicon Microstrip Tracker Readout. J. Coughlan, RAL Didcot |
15:00 |
15:20 |
Redundancy or GaAs ? Two different
approaches to solve the problem of SEU (Single Event Upset) in a
digital optical link optical. B. Dinkespiler, SMU Dallas |
Software developments for the Readout Unit
Prototypes for CMS DAQ System E.Cano, CERN Geneva |
15:20 |
15:40 |
Single Event Upset measurements on the
Resistive Plate Chambers Front-End chip for the Compact Muon
Solenoid experiment A. Ranieri, INFN Bari |
Implementation of a Serial Protocol for the Liquid Argon Atlas
Calorimeter (SPAC) |
15:40 |
16:10 |
Coffee |
16:10 |
16:30 |
Single Event Upset Studies on the APV25
Readout Chip J. Fulcher, IC London |
The Detector Control System for the HMPID
in ALICE Experiment at LHC G. De Cataldo, INFN Bari |
16:30 |
16:50 |
Overview of the ATLAS LAr front-end
radiation tolerance C. de la Taille, LAL Orsay |
HDMC: An object-oriented approach to
hardware diagnostics U. Pfeiffer, University of Heidelberg |
16:50 |
17:10 |
Overview of the ATLAS Policy on Radiation
Tolerant Electronics M. Dentan, CEA Dapnia, Gif-sur-Yvette and CERN |
17:10 |
17:30 |
Instrumentation amplifiers and voltage
controlled current sources for LHC cryogenic instrumentation J. Agapito, UCM Madrid |
17:30 |
17:50 |
Developments for Radiation Hard Silicon Detectors by
Defect Engineering - Results of the CERN RD48 (ROSE) Collaboration G. Lindstroem, University of Hamburg |
19:30 |
Friday 15 September
09:00 |
10:30 |
Panel discussion on
Front End Electronics |
10:30 |
11:00 |
Coffee |
11:00 |
12:30 |
Panel discussion on
Trigger Electronics |
(23 August 2000 - cd)