LHC Experimental Program

Roger Cashmore, Director for Collider Programmes, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

The status of the experiments ATLAS, CMS, ALICE, LHCb, TOTEM and MOEDAL will be reviewed together with a brief discussion of some of the challenges, in triggering, DAQ and computing that still need to be met before LHC turn on in 2005.

Status of the LHC Machine

Lynn Evans, Director of the LHC Project, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

The construction of the Large Hadron Collider is now well under way. The focus has now moved from R&D to construction, with contracts for most of the main components placed in industry. After a brief review of the LHC parameters in the commissioning and operational phases, a status report on the progress of the various systems is given.

Electronic Components and Systems for the Control of the LHC Machine

Raymond Rausch, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

The present estimation of the LHC underground control electronics gives a total of 10.400 crates of which some 4.400 will be connected to the machine control network. Electronic equipment will be housed under the cryostats, along the tunnel, in the alcoves and in the galleries parallel to the machine tunnel.

In the regular arcs and in the dispersion suppressers areas the radiation level is expected to be relatively low. But, despite this low radiation level, radiation tests results obtained in previous years demonstrate that all electronic equipment needs to be qualified in a test facility providing an LHC like radiation environment. The radiation qualification of all tunnel electronics is essential in order to guaranty a reliable operation over the lifetime of the machine.

The object of this paper is to give an overview of the various electronic systems as they are planned today and to provide a few test results on the radiation qualification of electronic components. This paper is an update and an extension of the presentation made at the 5th Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments held in Snowmass in September 1999.

ALICE Electronics

ATLAS Electronics

CMS Electronics

LHCb Electronics

TEMIC Semiconductors policy for foundry procurement

Jean Bouillon and Thierry Corbiere, TEMIC, Nantes, France

Backed on long experience in providing foundry service to commodity market customers, TEMIC Semiconductors has set-up various tools and procedures to offer yield stability during mass production, thus reducing cost. Based on a real and strong cooperation with chip designers and test engineers, the yield figures are systematically interpreted during engineering and development phases. On purpose process variation are decided to verify design robustness. Second fold of the talk will concentrate on reliability at die level. Cost to repair an hybrid is extremely high since bad chip are detected at the very far end of the process. TEMIC Semiconductors has, through its Known Good Dice program, prepared and elected several tools to satisfy the reliability figures required by customers. A review of existing screening flows will be done with focus on their efficiency to LHC applications.

Packaging of silicon particle detectors, how to adapt microelectronic processes to large dies.

Simondavide Tritto, Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de Microtechnique SA, Microsystems Manufacturing Division, Neuchatel, Switzerland

H. de Lambilly, S. Tritto

In the area of packaging of microelectronic IC, a lot of results exist to reduce the size and increase the speed of the package. This work is the consequence of the progress made in the wafer processing industry and aims at solving on a system level the new requirements of the applications. The same trend can be seen in particle detectors packaging; though the amount of work in this area is much more limited. With the advent of large-scale silicon based detectors, the need for a reliable and efficient packaging of large area chip emerged. The same trend was seen years ago for sensors and actuators that, after years of design effort, felt the need for efficient packaging. By selecting, and if needed slightly modifying, current technologies, companies were able to bring a whole range of products to the markets. CSEM was one of the companies that participated to this effort and invested in an assembly facility dedicated to microsystems.

In this paper, we will review the major processes, from probing to final packing, used in packaging of sensors and study their specificity compared to conventional ICs. We will then present the available technologies and competencies at CSEM, especially a high precision placement robot able to do 3-D assembly, together with dicing, double side probing, reliable bonding of large number of bonds on small pitch or consideration for shipment and storage. Finally, the potential of new technologies to the particle detectors activity will be evaluated.

COTS for the LHC radiation environment: the rules of the game

Federico Faccio, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

The use of Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) components in the LHC raises a series of questions concerning their reliability in a radiation environment. Unfortunately, most often there is no alternative to the use of commercial-grade components, and system designers have to manage the risk associated to their use. This presentation identifies the main sources of radiation-induced problems that are likely to affect COTS in LHC, and indicates strategies to achieve reliable systems. Existing sources of data on radiation effects are pointed out, and indications on how to interpret these data for the LHC environment are given. Moreover, appropriate test methodologies are discussed.

High-density low-mass hybrid and associated technology

Yoshinobu Unno, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan

Industry is using more and more flexible high-density hybrid circuits for civil commercial products which are small, thin, light-weight, and yet
highly functional. High-energy physics can benefit from the technology in implementing frontend electronics in the area near the interaction point
where the space is valuable and the material needs to be as transparent as possible. The technology of the flexible circuit and the technology
associated are reviewd in this presentation with an example of application in the ATLAS SCT silicon microstrip tracking system.

Timing and Synchronization in the LHC Experiments

Joao Varela, LIP/IST, Lisbon, Portugal and CERN

Data synchronization is an important aspect in the operation of the trigger and readout systems of the LHC experiments. In this paper we discuss the current understanding of the problem addressing some of the main issues, in particular, the assignment of bunch crossing to data, the overall alignment of the trigger pipeline system, the synchronization of the front-end readout pipelines and buffers, the distribution of timing and control signals and the fast collection of front-end status, the methods to determine and monitor the timing parameters in the experiments, the sources of synchronization losses and the recovery procedures

Controls for the LHC Experiments

Wolfgang von Rüden, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland 

The Detector Control Systems for the LHC experiments have requirements in terms of size, complexity and availability exceeding by far whatever has been put into operation in this domain in the HEP community. Several of the four experiments envisage to build an integrated system controlling as well all or part of their data acquisition.
The size of the collaborations leads to distributed development, which brings in additional needs for standardisation and support of tools and methods to ensure a smooth integration when the detector components arrive at CERN. All systems will have to communicate as well with the LHC machine and CERN's technical infrastructure.
At the same time we witness a significant reduction of CERN's personnel, which makes an in-house development and long-term maintenance impossible. Fortunately, industry has made enormous progress in controls and has come up with open standards and new products, both in hardware and software, which allow us to build our systems largely with such components.
To address these issues a Joint Controls Project (JCOP) was set up as a collaboration between all four LHC experiments and the CERN IT Division. This talk will present the chosen technologies and the approach chosen by JCOP to provide a common Framework to build detector control systems.

(cd 24 July 2000)